Since 2019, atelier suasua
has been being commottied to architectural design and renovation of medium scaled spaces in cultural, commercial and residential fields.
With profound understanding and exploring of original spatial characteristics and cultural value, we create unique architectural space.
We pursue interaction with people in time dimension, meanwhile combination of local handcraft, materials and details, to integrate craftsman spirit into the architectural language.
By completion, buildings gradually become a unique living body
in the process of functioning afterwards.
2023 莫干山镇 阜溪七桥概念设计国际竞赛 七强
Moganshan Town Fuxi River Seven Bridges Conceptual Design International Competition Final 7
2022 AD100 YOUNG中国最具影响力100个建筑和室内设计新锐收录
The 100 Most Talented Young Architects and Interior Designers in China listed
2021 IAF锋建筑节(建筑)酒店餐饮类 最佳大奖
Ideal Architecture Festival 2021 (Architecture) - Best of the Best
2021 有方[年轻事务所]系列收录
Archiposition [ Young Studios of 2021] listed
2020 钱江源乡村民宿建筑设计大赛 优秀奖
Qianjiangyuan Country Hotel Competiton - Excellence Award
2020 营造家奖年度最佳大户型设计奖 金奖
Niceliveing Awards 2020 - Best of the Best
2020 营造家奖年度最佳平面规划奖
Niceliveing Awards 2020 Plan Arrangement
2019 3M室内空间设计大赛 一等奖
3M Awards interior design - 1st Prize